Friday, December 07, 2012

Vintage amp anyone? It's Canadian you know...

Here’s something of interest only to the muso few I think – But I’m interested so it goes on here...I’m selling my old Traynor valve amp.  It’s now on eBay.  And again of interest to virtually no-one, this is the amp that I played right the way through The Chorus, The Sinister Cleaners (except the new recordings in 2005!), Greenhouse and part of Fuzzbird (when I ill-advisedly bought a 50W Marshall combo which I never liked much). 
It’s from around 1977 and has stood me in good stead (etc). But I’ve not used it for years and I want the space.  So if you know anyone who might appreciate a Traynor YRM-1SC valve combo (4 x 10 inch speakers fact fans) have a look on eBay now! 
It's Canadian you know.  No mooses were harmed in the production of this advert...

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