Friday, April 29, 2011

News suspended

I turned on Radio 4 this morning - 4 times I think. I expected the Today Programme. Each time they were talking about wedding cars and dresses and all sorts of shite. I sent them this brief message....

Dear 'Today'

I kept trying to tune in to the Today Programme this morning and all I got was a lot of tabloid type twaddle about some kind of celebrity wedding. I assume the Today Programme was suspended due to there being no news?

I wish you wouldn't kow-tow to tabloid prejudices

Yours sincerely

John Parkes

Not a good day in the UK...

It’s not a good sign in any country when there’s a news blackout and the state media start broadcasting patriotic music 24/7. So today is not a good day in the UK.

By the way, we all know that the royal wedding stories have already been written - but I'll give a tenner of my own money to anyone who forwards me a piece from any newspaper that reports 'royal wedding flop - royal tat fails to sell' or anything similar.

Today I feel like a prisoner washed up on an island ruled by some strange cult. Most of the country seems moronic, irrational and decades if not hundreds of years behind reality. I just don't get it

Thursday, April 28, 2011


News from my job search - there was a job vacancy for a 'Pipeline Administrator'. Where was the pipeline? I wondered - oil or gas? - or water? Would the job be tracking leaks or charging for its use or what? To be honest I can't even be bothered checking what the job actually was - well, it was actually 12 grand a year. And there was no pipeline. Except some sort of metaphorical one I suppose. Shit job, shit language, shit pay. Shit!

Surely not the 'royal wedding'?!

Damn! Here I am talking about the 'royal wedding'. Really the best thing to do in my opinion is to ignore it rather than apposing it like it was something worth engaging with in the first place. However, I did want to mention that Wilkinson's in Armley were flogging off their royal wedding tat at half price - some time before the wedding! This (strongly) implies that people are less interested than at least one chain of shops thought they would be. A small cheer for that.

However the most depressing thing about the whole thing is the conspiracy in the media. All the papers etc will be reporting that the 'whole country' celebrated and the 'whole country' ground to a halt and whatnot - and it will be a lie. The 'story' will be written in advance and it'll be all shit. A bare-faced big lie - told to us by the BBC and others who should know better. I've lost count of the amount of times I've turned off the telly and radio this week because 'The Today Programme' for one are discussing royal wedding dress design over the centuries or whatever. In the case of the BBC they are of course shit scared of being accused of being leftie and unpatriotic and whatnot (as if patriotism somehow implied support of the royal family...)so they'll follow the tabloids and report on what a great success it all was and how we all bought into it. If there are protests for once they won't be reported for fear of spoiling the special day.

The main depressing thing about it all is that so many people are interested - what do these people actually believe? Hopefully they believe in celebrity rather than royalty but you never know.

Even the free 'day off' is costing loads of struggling organisations a load of money. Enough...