Saturday, June 30, 2007

A 2 Pin Affair

This is just my latest 'newsletter'. They're usually more involved than this. Email me via the contact thingie on the JP website and I'll put you on the list. Or don't.

Dear All

No messing about in this message. I've been told that my fab 'updates' are sometimes 'difficult to understand what you're on about mate', so this time I'm simply plugging the next JP gig - but they are like a perfect lettuce in a bucket of slugs (i.e. rare and to be treasurered)

The Atrium, Grand Parade Leeds LS1 6PG 5th July 2007 (next Thursday) with Corleone and the Launderette Poets (check them out via my myspace friends at

JP onstage 8pm I think (so get there early!) I'll be doing some songs you probably haven't heard.

Hope to see some of you there.


PS If you go dressed as a cat you get in free - I am not making this up. Tiny Cat promotions yer see (see my myspace friends again)

PPS - Whole Sky Monitor are getting played on the radio and me old (very old) band the Sinister Cleaners are appearing in national publications. At this rate I'll be refusing to talk to any of you lot by Christmas.

PPPS - I've worked out that I get more visitors to the website ( - your homepage I assume) when I update the blog. June 2007 has the largest number of vistiors since the site was set up - so thanks to you both! (very old joke, and not true either - though 2/3 are from the USA, so there you go)

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