Monday, April 01, 2013

Fifty three quid!

If you don't know what I'm talking about here don't worry.  Anyway, yes...any fool can live on £53 a week - for about a week.  Until you need toilet roll and shampoo and stamps and need to catch a bus and buy a bit of food and...

So if IDS is going to live on £53 a week it has to be for at least 6 months or it means nothing...

Here's a thought on the benefits bill...Part of the reason for it being so high is that wages are so low.  This is partly due to power being shifted from workers and unions to big international companies.  So...the way to decrease the benefits bill is to give more power to those demanding higher wages.  They then pay more in tax.  So basically we're talking about a shift of power and money from the rich and powerful to the poor and powerless.  Easy!  Bring back left of centre politics and trade unions!

There you go IDS, you can have that for a consultancy fee of oh, I dunno...fifty three quid.  Plus a bonus.  Call it a million quid...


cilla said...

We need more than left of centre trade unions! Look at their relative complacency on minimum wage legislation and the working poor. Another feeble amount on which to live.

cilla said...

We need more than left of centre trade unions! Look at their relative complacency on minimum wage legislation and the working poor. Another feeble amount on which to live.