Monday, February 15, 2010

The signs of a cold and damp home

And today at work the ‘Hot News’ newsletter arrives courtesy of npower 'Health Through Warmth' – the December edition (with this being 15th February...) It includes a page entitled ‘Do you know the signs of a cold damp home?’

It then tells you how to spot a cold damp home...

Point 1 is ‘The room feels cold’
Point 5 is ‘the house smells damp and musty’
Point 2 is ‘there are no visible sources of heat – e.g. radiators or heaters’ and point 6 is ‘someone is wearing lots of layers, maybe gloves and a scarf indoors’

So there you go – if you go into a house that feels cold and smells damp and a little old lady is wearing scarves and gloves inside – they may be living in a cold damp house. It took a 2 and a half month late glossy brochure to tell me but now I know.

It’s good to have a little technical knowledge


Anonymous said...

What were points 3 & 4. And why did you address them out of seqence?

Wrong Colin said...

Hi John,

I hope you are well.

I would like to comment on Anonymous' comment (come out of hiding - don't be scared!)...

First of all, I note that you fail to finish your first question with a question mark. Secondly, you have mis-spelt 'sequence'. Thirdly, why don't you just fuck off!


John Parkes said...

They were too boring and didn't add to the comic effect...

Anonymous said...

Dear Colin Wrong (oh how true!)...nearly a perfect reply old chap but perhaps you should have also pointed out that you shouldn't really start sentences with 'And'. And this would have got you a fourth point.

Paragraphs with just one sentence are pretty bad form too.